LA/P | About
Welcome! la/projects is a graphic design studio based in Bordeaux. Laurent + Angelika + Projects = la/projects.
la/projects - Laurent Agut - Angelika Bauer
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La/projects currently work on issues related to graphic design whether it be on paper, screen or in the public space. Their sensitive approach is unique in that it associates rigor with levity, while leaving a place to chance. Their production, in the service of the content to be transmitted, is defined by the very close attention paid to the details involved in the use of a minimal vocabulaire.

And it is doubtless this very quality which has forged and affirmed their style these past ten years. A style which is at once both precise and nuanced, built on carefully considered choices, which enable them to slightly modify the initial constraints and find a stable balance between form and substance. All of their work resembles a process of translation which can be considered to be a form of writing all its own. What could be more complex than going from one language to another without losing any meaning?

How does one translate, within the field of graphic design, subjects as varied as an action relating to cultural policy, the programming of a national theater, the creation of a publication, the global communication for a contemporary art festival, the visual identity of a building, or a form of appearance in the public space? The task involves experimenting with the repetition of a micro-intervention on a typography, studying the choice of paper, an unusual finishing touch, adopting a color, a material, a form, using the space, deciding on a scale…

Their way of conceiving graphic design places them at the extreme opposite of productions whose signature resides in a demonstrative visual identity. The trademark of this duo can be found in the sobriety and clarity of each of their actions, and their awareness that these actions will be seen as “visual phenomena” in a society which is more and more conceptualized, given the existing quantity of images and information. Their careful work unfolds in a way that is not always evident at first glance, but which, through their fundamental choices, has the overall effect of impressing through its personal and manifest character.


Laurent Agut, Angelika Bauer

Selected collaborations

  • Atelier Provisoire architectes
  • Atelier Bouriette et Vaconsin
  • Arc en rêve centre d’architecture, Bordeaux
  • Archives départementales de la Gironde
  • capc, musée d’art contemporain
  • Ciap de Bordeaux, Centre d’Interprétation
    de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine
  • Région Nouvelle Aquitaine
  • Espaces Pluriels, Danse—Théâtre
  • Hoerner Ordonneau architectures
  • EBABX, École d’enseignement
    supérieur d’art de Bordeaux
  • École supérieure d’art des Pyrénées
  • Frac Nouvelle Aquitaine
  • Image-Imatge, centre d’art contemporain
  • Iddac, Institut départemental de développement artistique et culturel
  • Les éditions Comos
  • La fabrique métropolitaine de la Cub
  • La Méca, Bordeaux
  • Les Verts Aquitaine
  • Le Vivat, danse-théâtre, Armentières
  • MAGCP, centre d’art contemporain, Cajarc
  • Médiathèque Gabriela Mistral,
  • Muriel Rodolosse, artiste
  • Musée des arts décoratifs et du design Bordeaux
  • Musée d’art contemporain de Rochechouart
  • Mutuum artothèque, Gironde
  • Parc des coteaux, GPV Hauts de Garonne
  • Printemps de Septembre, Toulouse
  • TNBA, Théâtre national Bordeaux Aquitaine
  • Université Bordeaux Segalen
  • Université Bordeaux Montaigne

Thanks to: Victoire le Bars, Christelle Bonnet, Pascal Béjan (studio photography), Le Bureau Baroque (scenography CIAP), Patricia Chen (translater), Karl Nawrot, Muriel Rodolosse,
Cyril Vergès (text), Cyrille Weiner (photography).
Webdesign: Lpdls
Update: Accent grave
Conference “Design graphique ville architecture”, arc en rêve architecture center, 2014
Debate with Karl Nawrot, about the exhibition “Mindwalk III”, at Bel Ordinaire, contemporary art space, Pau. Curated by la/projects, 2015